
For Writers Interested in Getting Published
New and aspiring authors contact me all the time looking for advice. When I started out, I didn't have a support system, resulting in a bumpy entry into indie publishing. I decided to compile a list of my favorite resources for anyone looking for guidance.
The best advice I can offer any writer is this:
Settle in. Becoming an author is about more than one book or one idea. It's a lifelong commitment to learning a craft you will never master. Publishing is a frustrating business, regardless which path you choose, and patience is key. I hope you find this list helpful, but always do your research to determine if something is right for you.
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity."
-Amelia Earhart
The Business of Being a Writer: Jane Friedman is today's foremost expert in publishing. She's thoughtful, straightforward, and a wealth of incredible information. Her books are essential reading. She reminds us that writing is a craft and publishing is a business.
Websites and Podcasts:
Steps to Story: Nicole breaks down the process of writing into manageable and approachable bite-sized episodes.
Abbie Emmons YouTube: I devoured her content when I was first starting out. She focuses on the building blocks of craft that I found very helpful.
Craft Books
The Emotional Craft of Fiction: By far, the most read book on my shelf is this one. I come back to it over and over again for drafting and editing. Donald Maass's classes are exceptional if you ever get an opportunity to take one.
Intuitive Editing: As a new author, I found the process of editing the most overwhelming task of all. Tiffany Yates Martin proposes a practical guide for self-editing your work. One of my top priorities is handing off a clean, strong draft to my critique partners and beta readers, and learning to edit my own work has allowed me to get the most out of their feedback.
Cover Design:
Asya Blue: I connected with Asya on Reedsy, and have used her for nearly all my book covers. She's very talented and easy to work with.
Writing Community
Connecting with a community of writers is essential. We need like-minded friends to help navigate this wild world of publishing! You will need beta readers, critique partners, and a support system. Here's where I found mine:
Other suggestions for different genres:
Sisters in Crime, Horror Writers Association, Romance Writers of America, Mystery Writers of America, Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, The Authors Guild.
Now get to it and write that book!